What would…? What if…?

What if things happened in a different way? What if my supposed-to-be-little-brother had lived? What would be his name? What would it be like for me to be his older sister. I want someone to call me “ate” because we’re biologically connected.

So many thoughts are running through my mind. What if’s and what would be questions. I just wonder. I want to have the experience to protect my little brother to those people who are bullying him or teasing him about his crush. I want to have mushy conversations with my supposed-to-be-little-brother. But those can never happen, he died when he was still in my mother’s womb.

When I was a kid, I enjoyed being the only child because of the attention that’s given to me. I get what I want. But as I grew up, I meet those people who have this brotherly and sisterly love, I feel jealousy. Srsly. I get sad. I really wish I have someone to be with at times that I feel so sad & depressed, I know that he or she(?) would be the only person who would understand me. In the first place, he’s my little brother and I’m his older sister.

I just wished that those things came to life. Not like this, just daydreaming and hoping that those thought had happened.


P.S. I also posted this on my Tumblr. Here!

About Princess Pea

This is the part of me that you'll never ever gonna take away from me. Mapuan.
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